Cookies Policy

data: 22.10.2024

Archivio Home Page:
Apr-Nov 2011
Gen-Mar 2011
Ago-Nov 2009
Mag-Giu 2009
Mar-Apr 2009
Gen-Feb 2009
Nov-Dic. 2008
Ago-Sett. 2008
Lug. 2008
Giu.2 2008
Giu. 2008
Mello 2008
Mag. 2008
Apr. 2008
Mar. 2008
Feb.2 2008
Feb.1 2008
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Ott. 2007
Sett. 2007


Fernando Re Fiorentin
Turin - Italy
email: fernando.refiorentin[at]gmail.com (replace [at] with @)

Photos on this site can't be used for any other purposes without my authorization.

Web Site:

This web site has been realized using Web 2.0 technologies and Microsoft.Net.
I used the follow open source software:

- GreyBox (image gallery in AJAX)
- Boxover 2.1 (popUp AJAX)
- ImageInfo (library .Net to read EXIF data)

Photographic Equipment:

Canon EOS 7D
Canon EOS 50D

No more owned:
Canon EOS 40D
Canon EOS 350D

Canon 50mm F1.4
Canon 300mm F4 L IS
Canon 17-40mm F4 L
Canon 70-200mm F4 L
Tamron 90mm F2.8 Macro
Canon Extender 1.4 II

Tripod Slik
L Plate